Grant Information and Forms
A successful grant application should be carefully composed to meet all funder requirements. The Grants office expert staff will work with you on project development, budget construction, and proposal writing to increase award potential and project viability. The Grants office submits all proposals to external funders and if awarded, acts as liaison with the funder for all correspondence, contracts, and reporting.
With the exception of the Internal Funding Opportunities, anyone who wishes to apply for a grant for a project must complete an MCC Intent to Submit Form. Projects require approvals at the chair, dean and vice president levels. If you need assistance with this form, please email the Grants office (
An MCC Intent to Partner or Sub-Contract Form is to be completed by faculty or staff who have been asked to partner on a funding application. Please complete as much of the form as possible, obtain the signature of your supervisor, scan and email to Strategic Resource Development & Grant Management (
Use the Internal Grants Funding Application to submit a grant application for MCC Foundation grants.
Location & Contacts
Carolyn W. Hunt, MBA, APR, CFRE
Director of Strategic Resource Development & Grant Management
IRB Administrator
Perkins Grant Officer
Downtown Campus, 32-772
321 State Street
Rochester, NY 14608
(585) 685-6012