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Spring 2025 Residence Halls Move-In (New Residents)

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Canal Hall, Building 53
10:00 am - 01:00 pm

Time to move-in!

The spring semester move-in for residential students is scheduled for Friday, January 17, 2025 for New Residents

Residential students will receive email communications in the weeks leading up to move-in with instructions and directions for move-in day. On move-in day, they will check in at Canal Hall, confirm they have completed all necessary requirements, and then receive their keys to move into their hall. 

New Residents: Friday, January 17, 2025, 10:00am to 1:00pm

Returning Residents from the fall semester can return back to their halls on Sunday, January 19, 2025, after 10:00am.

We're excited to welcome you home!

CONTACT: Courtney Owen
SPONSOR: Housing & Residence Life Office